Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Happy List

So, I guess you could say, I’ve been a bit gloomy as of late. And while a little angst may be good for the artist’s soul, I’m not finding it particularly motivating. In fact, lately, this blog has started to feel more like a school assignment in my least favorite class rather than a fun, juicy email to everybody I know.

How’s that for honesty?

I’m not throwing in the towel forever, but it’s just not happening this week. So instead of spending yet another hour trying to formulate some witty commentary on a relevant topic, I am instead going to take this time to list a few of the things that have made me smile this week. It’s all very Oprah, I know, but I’ve been dwelling on the negative lately, and clearly, I need a good kick in the pants to remind me that despite the war, the economy, cancer, and a potential actor’s strike, there is still plenty to smile about…

1. Peanut butter soup. The official recipe was for Nutty Sweet Potato Soup, but since peanut butter happens to be one of my favorite foods, I may have added slightly more than the recipe suggested...hence Roger’s renaming of my new favorite soup.

2. Finally winning at Scrabulous (okay I haven’t officially won yet, but I’m in the lead.)

3. “Would you believe Chuck Norris with a BB gun?” said by Steve Carrel in Get Smart. It made me laugh out loud in the movie theater, and then every time I thought about it this week, I giggled again.

4. Spicy Indian curry.

5. Moose in the bathtub. Enough said.

6. Monkey with a mirror. A friend at work emailed this video to me and I can’t stop giggling...probably because I can totally relate!

7. 30 Seconds. I’m pretty bad at it, but the game was really fun (however, the wine may have had something to do with it too).

8. Michael Cera in Arrested Development. We've been watching the series again, and I love it even more the second time around.

9. Wine and sushi.

10. Top Deck Cadbury Chocolate Bar (consumed with wild abandon post wine and sushi).

And of course, emails and phone conversations with distant loved ones always make me smile. (So thanks for those!)

It occurs to me that perhaps too many of these are food related. Is that wrong? Oh well. That’s all I got for the moment. Now, what makes you smile? Feel free to share. Seriously, please share...especially if it's chocolate.


Rebecca Ramsey said...

Hi Robyn,
Great post! And I can't wait to see Get Smart. I loved watching reruns of that show when I was a kid.

We have lots in common. I also hate small talk, love trying out life in different places, and want to make the world a better place! And I'm crazy about peanut butter. Did you ever put it in vanilla ice cream? Yum!


Jessica B. Howell said...

Oddly enough, I didn't post yesterday for sounding like more of the same...your Happy List is a great alternative. It certainly made me smile.

I have some GREAT recipes to share with you when you return to the States!! I will have to try your soup...

Here's to a happy week...take it easy, kid.

Anonymous said...

My Dear Robyn-
I didn't really read the rest of your blog once you mentioned wine and sushi. You were talking specifically to me ....right:) Since we are sharing, I enjoy crashing my teenage brother's facebook page. In the beginning, I did this in order to check on him. Now I enjoy making snide comments to the teenage slores that write on his page....yes I know I am 30, but he is my brother.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...we are getting interactive now. LOL! Things that make me smile...
- Spent Saturday at Deloge's pool with Chris. We even played wiffle ball which we have never done because how many couples play wiffle ball together?
- News of Ernie
- My parents came over for dinner last night and we ate outside on the deck and talked and laughed. Very fun!
- Winston makes me smile. He is looking particularly handsome lately.
- Went home to flowers, dinner and wine on Friday after work. Chris has summer Fridays and got home early. :-)
- Debbie told me Crate & Barrel is opening in our area in August. That is fun.
I guess all in all a really good weekend! Thanks Oprah, I feel better now. :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful women giving life to beautiful babies make me smile.... like Angela Jolie, Jessica Alba, and Ernie's mom.

Anonymous said...

I make a similar list every so often. It helps to remind yourself of all the good things compared to the bad. Here are mine for the week:
1. Finally booking my trip to South Africa!
2. I Love Money - the trashiest of trashy reality shows.
3. Britney's comeback...again
4. - It is my new addiction and helps me find new and fun places to eat
5. Facebook - I am a total stalker and not afraid to admit it.

I hope some of these will make your week.
Love you,